Strašidelné Čechy

2nd place

The magical quality of the introductory illustration to the book Strašidelné Čechy (Haunted Bohemia) by Otto von Graben draws us into the world of the super-natural, spells and fates spun by strange creatures. The book stirs up the nostalgia by the imaginary shift in time and the choice of illustration technique evokes the atmosphere of the deep forests of Šumava from the workshop of the Váchalovský mysterious visions.The use of filigree work in the graphic accessories in subdued red and the choice of historicising font together with illustrations in black and red on quality paper of a chamois shade gives the whole book the air of Faustus’ hell. The book is an example of harmony of all components involved which will elevate readers to the heights of bliss.

Xénia Hoffmeisterová
Art Panel member

Authors: Otto von Graben zum Stein, Marek Vajchr
Illustrations: Chrudoš Valoušek
Book design: Josefina Karlíková
Publisher: Revolver Revue
Print: Finidr
ISBN 978-80-7622-013-3

Title: Strašidelné Čechy
Licence: Free license

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